Here you can find games I made / worked on

There are even more things to list, this is just a small resume

Most of my programming experience is roblox (unfortunately). Over the course of ~7 years i've learned how to create roblox games, and also script with luau. Also while creating roblox games i managed to learn 3D gfx tricks, lighting rules using hardcore roblox tactics/blender


I do games in roblox (unfortunately)
I can develop whole games. I can do mostly everything
I'm also familiar with using rojo, github and trello for management
I've also made plugins on roblox, that made my life a bit easier


games i made through 2016-2019 are crappy asset flips i wooont add them here

Timebomb Madness
Started Jul 2023 - Jul 2024

The most successful game I've made
As the main developer and creator, I have programmed most of the base game (Building, Explosions, Shop, Round stuff etc), done all the UI work (excluding some textures), done some particle effects (Replaced with new ones, but I can showcase if needed), did game design things, etc.
I later stepped down to transfer full ownership to a friend of mine due to community drama. I'm still the main developer, just without the community managing part.

Game thumbnail 1. That pillar's definetly falling on that guy The wallpaper Game thumbnail 2. His house just blew up. He has no clue

Creeper Chaos Remastered
June 2022 - Aug 2022

A remaster of RVVZ's original creeper chaos.
Later down the line, i started development on Timebomb Madness.
The original game is currently taken down due to a Mojang DMCA.

creeper chaos old thumbnail (COPYRIGHTED ASSETS USED, FAITHFUL X32) ingame photo

Purple skikttles +
~June 2022 - July 2022

A patch-up of the original purple skittles game
Also has a developer kit, wich is like an open source version of the game without the actual game (Made in june 2023)

purple skittles + current thumbnail purple skittles + developer kit thumbnail

Sanicball rewritten
May 2021, finished on ~July 2021 (with various updates)

Working version of a really old roblox game, Sanicball

a sb rewritten thumbnail (couldnt bother to find the high quality version)

Kaufland World
Started August 2023

I worked alongside Nexus Media. The people over there were amazing! They also spoke my native language (Romanian)
! My role here was scripting the whole thing !
The thumbnail is the only image here that is not made by me!



Here's a (really small) part of the stuff i made using roblox studio, for me or various people.
These images have been compressed to save storage space
Every image and game thumbnail shown here on this page is also made by me. (except for Kaufland World)

Timebomb George himself atmr thumbnail juno8902 banner creeper chaos old thumbnail (COPYRIGHTED ASSETS USED, FAITHFUL X32) ps+ dev kit thumbnail declined randomizer thumbnail (instead, they went with the current version you see now on the main game's page. Yep) thumbnail for a collab entry

Contact me!

Here's where you can contact me to schedule a project or ask me about anything related to my media!

Main page